
Benefits of Field to Finish

Written by Gary Paule | Apr 22, 2020 3:46:10 PM

Reducing Costs Through Field to Finish


Never heard of "Field to Finish?"


It's a great resource that has become more available to land surveyors.  As businesses like Trimble have made products more usable for the surveyor in the field; it has provided new opportunities for Gateway, and other geomatics companies, to implement programs to reduce the cost for land survey. Data processing and drafting software has also become more integrated making the process of implementing the change easier than it was several years ago.


Field to finish helps integrate data collection with data processing; ultimately streamlining the process....


Gateway implemented field to finish several months ago and has already seen benefits for our customers:

  • The field crew has the ability to see all line-work drawn as they collect the data.  This helps prevent mistakes and additional trips to the field.
  • With a standardized code library for collecting field data, our land survey crews are able to gain efficiencies through repetition.  Without everyone using the same code list; it's akin to some people speaking English and other's Spanish.  There are bound to be errors when people are NOT communicating in the same "language."  Field to finish solves these problems through standardization for the field crews.
  • In the office, the sketch drawings of field notes make quick work of back-checking field notes and the original scope of work.
  • Communication, communication, communication...  As mentioned earlier, this is a major cause of error and reworks for both field crews and office staff.  Utilizing the standardized code list; not only helps the field, but also the office staff.  It tremendously cuts down the time for both processing data and completing the drafting process.
  • When you put all of these benefits together, field to finish, helps Gateway get your deliverables to you faster and at reduced cost for land survey.

Take a look at our video showing what Field to Finish can do for you...